We are happy to offer two kinds of coffee from Indonesia ~ Sumatra Gayo Coffee available now and Toraja Coffee available later in 2021.
Here is a brief story of both.
Sumatra Gayo, also known as 'Mountain Coffee' or 'Earth Coffee', comes from the Aceh region of Sumatra, the historical home of the 'Gayonese People.'
Years of civil war plagued this region causing many farmers to abandon their land and flee to the neighboring city of Medan.
In 2006, Permata Gayo cooperative was founded when 50 farmers from the region of Aceh came together to talk about how to rebuild their abandoned coffee farms.
Rebuild they did! Now the cooperative has 2053 members and is certified organic and fair trade.
We are happy to be supporting the work of these farmers under our own label ~ Earth Coffee from the Mountains of Gayo!
We are also excited to join with Octaviana Rombe, one of our Indonesian Thomas Berry Partners in Mission and founder of kopiketjil to offer Toraja Coffee in 2021.
Kopiketjil is a community-based café and roaster that was first established in 2014. Kopiketjil partners with small coffee farmers throughout Indonesia in partnerships that are very familial based in Indonesian culture of supporting one another. (Gotong royong)
Toraja coffee comes from Tana Toraja, on a high plateau sitting 3900 feet above sea level as far as the eye can see.
Toraja coffee is dried naturally under the tropical sun and hand processed all the way through.
In Toraja, kopiketjil partners with several small local coffee farmers who have generationally worked the land.
In Tana Toraja, coffee is not just a commodity; it is part of the culture and has social value. Coffee is black gold that unites and enlivens our communities.
One Pound Bag of Medium Roast Earth Coffee from the Mountains of Gayo
Consider Paying Forward and Also Donating a Bag to someone in Need.
$22.50/ including shipping & handling
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