Co-founders ~ Sr Gail, Fr Thomas, and Sr Bernadette
"The time has come when the single greatest service that women religious can make to the larger destinies of the human, the Christian and the Earth Community is the recovery of our intimacy with all those wonderful participants in the communion of life." Thomas Berry
Our Mission:
Co-founded in 1999 with the late Passionist priest and cultural historian Thomas Berry, we are the first community of Catholic sisters founded specifically for Earth healing and protection within the Eco-Zoic Era.
Eco-Zoic, a beautiful phrase coined by Thomas, means 'House of Life', and refers to the emerging era where we learn to live as mutually enhancing members of this Single Sacred Community.
That the universe is a communion of subjects rather than a collection of objects is the central commitment of the Ecozoic.
~ Thomas Berry
Green Mountain Monastery ~ An Eco-Zoic Monastery
When we are asked, " How many are in your community?" we say,
"Innumerable, too many to count! The birds, trees, plants, animals, insects, humans, stars...... constitute the totality."
It is within this intimacy of all Beings with each other, that we participate in the great cosmic liturgy of celebration and praise of the Divine through the arts, silence, contemplative prayer, ritual, and immediate communion with the natural world.
All The World is Sacred by Peter Kearney. Whole song available below:
Used with permission /Mary Southard,csj
There is no such thing as a “human community” without earth, soil, air, water and all living forms. Without these, humans do not exist. There is, therefore no separate human community. Humans are woven into this larger community, which is the Sacred Earth Community.
~ Thomas Berry